Congratulations to our Accelerate 2020 Champion, Hikma Health,
and our runners up, Elo and Calla Health!

What is the MIT $100K?

One competition - three independent contests - from October through May. Now in its 31st year, the MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition has brought together students and researchers from across MIT and Greater Boston to launch their talent, ideas, and technology into leading companies. 

The competition runs as series of distinct, increasingly intensive contests: Pitch, Accelerate, and Launch.

Each contest focuses on developing specific founder skills. For semi-finalists in Accelerate and Pitch, the MIT $100K brings together a network of resources, including mentorship from venture capitalists, serial entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and attorneys; media exposure; prototyping funds; business plan feedback; and discounted services. More than $300K in non-dilutive funding is awarded to accelerate these new ventures. 

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